Monday 18 December 2017


'To push' or 'Pull' any object is called force. Means it creates change in position of any object.

Properties of force -
1. It will be in point form.
2. Due to force the shape, size and mass will change.
3. No any contact required for apply force.
4. When multiple force applied on any object. Object is in rest then it is condition of equilibrium. In this condition total force on object is zero.
5. When multiple force applied on any object. Object is not in rest then it is condition of non-equilibrium. Object moves in the direction of resulting force.
6. When force applied perpendicular to the direction of motion of object. Object moves in elliptical path.
7. When force applied perpendicular to the direction of motion of object at every point of motion. Object moves in circular path.

Fundamental forces are following -

1. Gravitational force - Every object which have mass attract another object of mass.
It is the weakest force in nature. 
Its range is very high.
It is given by Newton.
According to Newton's universal law of gravity - "The force between two objects is directly proportional to product of their masses and inversely proportional to square of distance between them.
If two objects of masses M1 & M2 placed R distance apart then
F ∝ M1 M2
F ∝ 1/R^2
F ∝ (M1 M2)/R^2
So F = G(M1 M2)/R^2
Unit of force is Newton, denoted by N.
Here G is gravitational constant.
G = F.R^2/(M1 M2)
For earth G= 6.67*10^(-11) Nm^2/kg^2

2. Electromagnetic force - When constant electric current flow in circuit then magnetic field generate around it.
It is second strongest force in nature.

3. Strong nuclear force - It is applied between nucleons(neutron, proton). It is high attracting force which bind nucleons.
It is the strongest force in nature.

4. Weak nuclear force - It is due to ß decay from nucleus. Then that nucleus attract nearby nucleus.

Friday 15 December 2017


Motion - It is the change of position of object with respect to time.
It has following types -

1. Translatory motion - Object moves along a straight line.
Motion of car,bus etc.

2. Rotational motion - Object moves around any fix axis. And that fix axis is known as axis of rotation.
Motion of object in a circular path. Radius of that circle is axis of rotation or rotational axis.

3. Oscillatory motion - Object moves up-down, left-right, to-fro of its mean position.
Motion of loaded spring, to make swing, pendulum etc.

Note- In the absence of any external force object is placed at a position which is known as mean position.
Example.-When cell of clock is taken out then its pendulum is in rest at a position. which is mean position.

Types of motion on the basis of dimensions.
It has following types -
1. One dimensional motion - Object moving along a particular axis(x, y or z).
Motion of car bus, human.
2. Two dimensional motion - Object moving in a plane (xy, yz, zx).
Motion of a fly.
3. Three dimensional motion - Object moving in free space.
Motion of Bird, Airplane etc

Thursday 14 December 2017

Definition related to motion

Position - A place, coordinate, point where any object placed.
If any object change its position then it has two positions - Initial position & Final position.

Distance-The difference of final and initial position. It is denoted by 'd'. It is a scalar quantity.

Displacement - The distance in a particular direction. It is the minimum distance between initial and final positions. It is denoted by x. It is a vector quantity.
 Speed- It is the rate of change of distance.
    v =d/t
It is a scalar quantity.
Velocity - It is the rate of change of displacement.
     v = x/t
It is a vector quantity.
Acceleration - It is the rate of change of velocity.
         a = v/t
It is a vector quantity.

1. Scalar quantity - The physical quantities which have only magnitude no any direction.
Distance, temperatures, pressure, speed, work, energy etc.
2. Vector quantity - The physical qualities which have both magnitude and direction.
Displacement, velocity, acceleration, force etc.
3. Tensor quantity - The physical qualities which behave as both scalar and vector quantities.
Angular velocity, angular acceleration, angular moment etc.

Tuesday 12 December 2017


'Physics' word is taken from Greek word 'Fusis'. Which means 'Nature'.
Physics is the branch of science in which we study about nature, natural principles, natural phenomenons.
Physics has two types -
(A) Classical physics - It is the knowledge of physics before 19th century.
It has following types -
1. Machines
(a) statics
(b) dynamic
(c) fluid motion
(d) aerodynamic
2. Electromagnetic
3. Thermodynamics
4. Wave motion
5. Optics etc.
(B) Modern physics - It is the knowledge of physics after 19th century.
In 1919 German scientist Max plank gave Quantum Theory.
According to quantum theory "light travel in the form of small packets of energy which know as quanta or photon". The rest mass of photon is zero so gravity doesn't apply to them.
On the basis of this theory so many changes are occurred in physics and that changes are called modern physics.
It has following types -
1. Solid state physics
2. Molecular physics
3. Atomic physics
4. Nuclear physics
5. Plasma physics
6. Quantum physics etc.

Monday 11 December 2017


Science word is taken from Greek word 'Scientia'.which means 'to know'.
"The systematic study of the nature and behaviour of the material and physical universe  based on observation, experiment, and measurement, and the formulation of laws to describe these facts in generalterms is called SCIENCE."
Science has basically following branches -
1. Physics
2. Chemistry
3. Biology

Physics word is taken from Greek word 'Fusis'. Which means 'Nature'.
Physics is the branch of science in which we study about nature, natural principles, natural phenomenons.

Chemistry is a physical science, and it is the study of the properties of and interactions between matter and energy. In other words, chemistry is a way to study the properties, characteristics, and physical and chemical changes of matter.
chemistry is known as the central science because it touches all other natural sciences, like biology, physics, geology, and more.


Biology is the science of life. Biology is derived from the Greek words "bios" (life) and "logos" (study). In which we study about the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of living organisms.