Sunday 28 January 2018

Charge distribution

Charge distribution :- When charge is equally distributed in a conductor then it is called charge distribution.
It has following types :-

1. Linear charge distribution :-  When charge distributed along the length of conductor. In wire, straight rod, long conductor charge distributed along its length.
If is denoted by λ.
It total charge of conductor of  'L' length  is 'Q' then
λ = Q / L
here λ is also known as linear charge density.
Linear charge density :- It means charge per unit length.

2. Surface ( Area ) charge distribution :- When charge distributed along the surface of conductor. In conducting plate charge distributed along its surface or area.
It is denoted by σ .
If total charge of plate of area 'S' is 'Q' then
σ = Q / S = Q / A
here σ is also known as surface charge density.
Surface charge density :- It means charge per unit area.

3.Volume charge distribution :- When charge distributed along the volume of conductor. In solid sphere, solid cylinder, any solid conductor charge distributed along its volume.
It is denoted by ρ.
If total charge of solid sphere of volume 'V' is  'Q' then
ρ = Q / V
here ρ is also known as volume charge density.
Volume charge density :-  It means charge per unit volume.