Sunday 14 January 2018

Electric charge

Electric current:- It is the flow of charge.
Charge :- We know that every material is formed by molecules, molecules by atoms. It every atom neutron,proton,electrons are present. Electron is a moving particle.Which is responsible for charge.
  • It is denoted by 'q','Q'.
  • It's unit is coulomb (c).
It has two types-
Positive charge- It is due to deficiency of electrons.
Negative charge- It is due to excess of electrons.

NOTE-  In every atom number of electron = number of proton
means atom is neutral (Charge is zero).
When electron emits from it then number of proton > number of electron. Means it is positively charged.
When electron receive by atom then number of proton < number of electron. Means it is negatively charged.
Since electron is negatively charged and proton is positively charged.

Electric current is discovered by German scientist Benjamin Franklin.
According to them when a glass rod is rubbed on silk cloth then electron from rod transfer to silk.due to it rod become positive and silk cloth negative. Like that when ebonite rod is rubbed on fur then electrons from fur transfer to rod. Due to it fur become positive and rod negative.

Force between charges:-
When positive charged rod is freely suspended and another same positive charged rod taken near to it then suspended rod moves upward. Means same charge repel each other.
When positive charged rod is freely suspended and negative charged ebonite rod taken near to it then suspended rod moves downward. Means opposite charge attract each other.

+ and +, - and -repel
+ and - attract

Properties of charge:-
1. Quantization of charge :- The total charge of any conductor is intiger multiplier of number of electron present on it.
q = ne
here q charge of conductor
n = intiger numbers 0,1,2,3,4............n
e = charge of electron 
1.60217662 × 10-19 coulombs
1.6 × 10-19 coulombs (approx).

2. Additive :- When multiple charge present on any conductor then total charge of that conductor is algebric sum of all present charges.
q = q1 + q2 + q3 +........ qn
3. Conservation of charge :- Like energy, charge is neither be created nor be destroyed. It only transfer from one conductor to another. Means total charge charge of conductor is conserved.